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2006-10-11 18:53:16
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Body Image

Some of you may be familiar with the rantings of [Delladreing], most popular being Playgans which is currently being written up into a book. For those of you who are [Delladreing] virgins (i.e. your mind has not yet been corrupted by her work) in short, she is a sarcastic, often short tempered maniac who dislikes fakers with a passion. It just so happens that in her opinion, current body image and fads surrounding it are fake in her eyes.

Why is Dela doing this? Well to some it may come as a surprise that underneath the arrogance of her mind, she is an extremely shy individual with serious problems over how she views herself, bordering on an inferiority complex. In the past few years it has lessened to the point where the self hatred has dulled to a small ache in the back of her mind. That too is slowly being diminished. So why again is she doing this?

Because no one else should ever have to feel that way about themselves and by writing all of this down, she hopes to help other people realise their true beauty and self worth.

There are any number of insecurities imposed upon people today, the most common being brought about by exposure to the media, and more commonly the Internet. In these pages [Delladreing] will try to do her duty for the good of humanity in exposing these standards for the falsehoods that they are in an attempt to shatter the myths of modern day "beauty".

These pages are being primarily written for women, who tend to be the ones who suffer most at the cruel lying hands of the photoshopped media. However there has been a rise in male insecurities due to similar aspects of society and she would love to include some of them. All she needs is a male writer willing and able to write about them. If you wish to take part in this contact her via her house. Male members are of course still welcome, all support, any support is welcome.
Same applies to the women out there, if someone would like to put in their points and views, contact me. I'll see what I can do.

The topics in these pages being discussed will be as honest as possible and also as frank as possible. Some issues may not be suitable for persons under the age of 18, however it is of a personal opinion of what is suitable for you to read and what is not.

Bearing this in mind, some topics will be restricted to forum members. I am not about to get myself into trouble over various things although really, if you are mature enough to be wanting to fight back against the myths of the body image then you are really old enough to be exposed to all aspects of this.

The topics will range from weight, height, size, healthy body image, what is not a healthy body image, the slaughtering of pro-anorexia, healthy living, cosmetic surgery, beauty products and many more.

That all said and done, sit back and enjoy the read.
I hope that in some way what you read you will find reassuring and possibly even inspiring to you.

At least I hope they will be.
Much love,


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2006-11-06 [Delladreing]: lmao. Nice.

2006-11-06 [Estantia]: barricading the door would be a good idea too...

2006-11-06 [sequeena_rae]: Bit stupid when the mad gunman is in the room.

"Oh yes, I'll just barricade this door just incase a mad gunman comes along."

Class: *blink blink* omg omg omg omg we're gonna die!

2006-11-06 [Estantia]: -_-' i meant if he wasn't in the room... if he is in the room then by all means unleash the ninjas.

2006-11-06 [sequeena_rae]: Well why didn't you saaaaay? >:D

2006-11-06 [Estantia]: because I thought it went without saying that if you locked him in the room he;'d never make it out alive! *tuts* schoolgirls are vicious you know!

2006-11-06 [sequeena_rae]: You don't say x)

2006-11-06 [The Blood Angel]: With Nunchuks!! :p

2006-11-06 [Estantia]: nah, worse than nunchucks... biros!

well they say the pen's mightier than the sword right? and those shard are sharp even if they shatter.

2006-11-07 [Fireblade K'Chona]: the thing is even if we barricade the door there's a BIG HUGE GLASS WINDOW RIGHT BY IT, so not much point really. >.< I just hope to God I'm not in first period should there ever be a situation, becaaaause I'd be sort of screwed.

2006-11-07 [Estantia]: yeah, but the chucking chairs option still applies... maybe... or just plain mobbing them...

2006-11-07 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I sit kind of far from the door. I'd chuck chairs.

2006-11-07 [Estantia]: mobbing is interesting though, if six people grab a limb each you'll have a hard time shooting them.

2006-11-07 [sequeena_rae]: Then get someone to drive through his eyes with scissors

2006-11-07 [Estantia]: pens are worse, ink poisoning.

2006-11-07 [sequeena_rae]: Who cares when there is nothing left of his eyes? :P

2006-11-07 [Estantia]: ink gets the bloodt oo.

2006-12-14 [Tolmeni]: Damn it, woman! Why are you so awesome? *is feeling mucho better*

2006-12-14 [Delladreing]: Moi?

2006-12-16 [Draugluin]: *bows to Dela* I have even more respect for you after today. If you want to know why ask Silvie XP. I can't relive the experience. *shudders*

2006-12-16 [Delladreing]: *asks silvie* o.O

2006-12-16 [Delladreing]: Ahahaha. Aww did it hurt? :P

At least they were kind to you and didn't wax the nether regions, men scream like little girl's when they have that done...I've heard them through the walls >.>

2006-12-18 [Estantia]: Hence why it makes such a popular way to raise money for charity...

2006-12-24 [Draugluin]: It wasn't that bad really. The only bit that would put me off was the excrutiating pain from ripping teh bugger off, oh and how red my skin went afterwards.

2006-12-24 [Delladreing]: Ah yes, the red spotted look. Ice helps that tremedously for futire reference :p

I just did my legs there didn't feel a thing o.O I suppose you really do get used to it.

2006-12-25 [Draugluin]: Yes, but I will never find out XP. I will never wax again. The experience was too painful.

2006-12-25 [Delladreing]: Wuss :P

2006-12-25 [Azuri]: I want to wax, I just have no clue how to go about it lol

2006-12-25 [Delladreing]: Better to have a professional do it the first few times in my experience. I also don't like the "do it yourslef" kits which require you to put things in the microwave, that's just asking for trouble, so I use "cold strips" when I'm in a rush.

2006-12-25 [Rondel]: LOL All I can say is that you get used to it -- if you have enough reason to. Me, I have a systemic condition that seems to take advantage of pores in humid areas to express itself as a skin problem, and I've found myself faced with the decision between accepting those problems (very painful in certain areas) and depriving certain regions of my body of the ability to be humid... ...and depiliation won out. But I chose the least painful method -- halawa (sugaring), with tweezing between-times. Not painless, but bearable.

2006-12-25 [Fireblade K'Chona]: May I take this time to say that I don't like IExplorer 7?

Bleh. -scowls at it-

Spose I'll have to get used to it.

2006-12-25 [Delladreing]: or undo the update?

2006-12-25 [iippo]: Or change browser. :/

2006-12-25 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I don't know how to undo the update, but at any rate I'll have to wait until the computer guy is finished cleaning out our computer otherwise he'll just put it back. -scowls-

I haven't been able to figure out how to change the browser.

2006-12-25 [Delladreing]: Download fire fox

2006-12-26 [Azuri]: Fire fox is god!

Why on earth would the computer man put that crap back in?

2006-12-26 [Rondel]: Firefox is very easy to install and switch over to -- and you don't have to remove IE, you can keep it, and even use it from inside of Firefox, in a tab (yes, Firefox lets you have multiple tabs inside of one window, instead of a gazillion windows eating your memory) -- that last is handy for sites like Hotmail which don't like to work with anything except IE (due to being owned by a monopolist). Just install Firefox, then download and install the IEtab extension. I love it, it's great for web designing, because you can check how your pages look in both browsers without having to constantly shut one down and bring the other up all the time.

2006-12-26 [Rondel]: Oh, and in a more on-topic post: support the Bronte foundation!
They are an Australian foundation dedicated to providing quality care for individuals suffering from eating disorders, without forcing Australians to go overseas for potentially life-saving treatment. And they are at risk of being unable to continue doing so if they don't get ongoing support and funding. They've had some insane number (many dozens) of applications for funding turned down by the state and federal governments, because apparently eating disorders don't get taken as seriously as other charitible causes here in Australia, which is insane in a nation which is right up there with the US in the rates of morbid obesity and the rebound extremism of skeletal thin-worshipping people whose desperate need for control drives them to control things they shouldn't, like WHETHER (instead of what, when, and how much) they eat.

2006-12-26 [Delladreing]: *puts it in the links page*

2007-01-01 [BarleySinger]: One of the things that I really hate is the way that advertisers and TV whows mess with AGE. 

For magazines they paint 13 and 14 year old girls to look like they are older, and then do CGI on the photos. Putting kids at that age in very sexy photos is sick. It promotes Ephebophilia, also known as hebephilia (sexual attraction, primarily or exclusively to adolescents). It also gives "grown-up women" the idea that their bodies should look like a teenagers, and that is silly. Bodies change constantly with time. Now there is an entire industry based on getting adult women (and men) to look more like teenagers.

Don't like the fact that you have wrinkles (because you managed not to die young), have poison injected into your face. OR have your face totally remodeled!

Don't like the fact that your adult breasts are no longer the perky ones of a 17 year old? Get implants! You can have somebody *cut your areolas and nipples off*, remove the extra skin and sew everything back together! OUCH!

You too can Endure massive pain and risk possible death (due to haveing unnecessary general anesthesia) so that you can look like a teenager and promote the idea that adult people only want to have sex with partners that look like they are 16.


As for TV, they constantly have teenagers played by people (who are more physically mature) in their early 20s, who look nothing like most akward teens do. Perfect Skin and everything. Then we have the "Desperate Housewives" who are mostly desperate for FOOD.

I understand the idea that people who are abnormally good looking, or abnormally muscular are going to attract atention, but really. Look at earlier TV and earlier movies. Not everybody was one of the mutant people of hollywood. These days most of the sexy bomb shells of film would be told to lose 20 pounds.

2007-01-01 [Rondel]: I have to agree about the risk of ephebophilia from the total misportrayal of both adults and teens in the popular media.

As for the things that people will put themselves through in order to live up to a completely arbitrary and artificial standard of "what is okay", I found a wonderful commentary on that very subject, recently; I *heartily* recommend it to each and every one of you, as a relatively quick read, with some humour, and a WONDERFUL message:

It's an "educational comic" done by one of my preferred webcomic authors, on the subject of (wonder of wonders) body image.

2007-01-01 [Rondel]: And, for any of you readers who might happen to be Aussies, there's an interesting-looking program on TV here, tonight:

Program Details: Monday Jan 1 2007
11:30pm - 12:00am | Channel Seven

Genre: Comedy

A mockumentary comedy series about four friends in their thirties in Brooklyn who all suffer from eating disorders.

2007-01-02 [Chrysilla]: I loved the comic and gave the link to my friends :)

2007-01-02 [Rondel]: Yay! Viral marketing! ;D No, seriously, I'm glad to see other people responding to those images and wanting to pass them on.

2007-01-02 [Estantia]: same here for the comic :)

2007-01-05 [iippo]: There was an amusing little news on the last page of the paper today: the New York subway is frequently delayed because of women who faint in the trains. And why do women faint in the subway trains we wonder. It's not all women, it's the ones that are on "a diet" and haven't eaten in three-four days. X_x The news-thing said that 400 trains per month are delayed because of a passenger fainting in the train in the morning.
So if anyone's keeping a list of "why ana is evil" or the sort, "causing delays to train traffic in the mornings" is a pretty good addment.

2007-01-05 [Delladreing]: Awesome...well its not...but its awesome that I have something new to add to my list.

2007-01-05 [Delladreing]: *yoinks* thanking you.

2007-01-08 [Linderel]: Saw a nice little advert of a new magazine today. It's named KG. Yes, kg, as in kilogram. All the cover articles seemed to be about losing weight. Uhm. Yeah.

2007-01-09 [Chrysilla]: why aren't there articles about gaining weight? :( I'd love to add some 5 kgs on my bones... I don't like being skinny :(

2007-01-09 [The Blood Angel]: Its not difficult to put on weight thats why. <img:44166_1164145171.gif> Where do you think, 'who ate all the pies' came from?<img:44166_1164144907.gif>

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: Thank you Kei!

Heh, yea, I should keep a tally going of how many pro-ana sites get removed by my continual hounding of servers shouldn't I? I hate those sites. Hate hate hate.

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: Some people never gain weight no matter how much they eat and what, they have such an effective metabolism... Is that the case with you, [Chrysilla]?

2007-01-09 [The Blood Angel]: Thats true I'm like that. I have the shitiest diet of anyone I know and I'm 11 stone at 5'8 and I still look like a twig.

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: 11 stone? What's that in kilograms? Speak metric please. xD

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: One stone = 14lbs.

2007-01-09 [The Blood Angel]: about 69/70 kilos.

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: Heh, I'm 12 and a half (omg shut up), and 5'8. I definitely do not look like a twig XP

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: Thankie. :3

2007-01-09 [The Blood Angel]: Your 5'8 squeeky? I thought you were at most 5'5

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: I'm tiny >.>

But I don't look like a twig either :p

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: *tries to remember what these figures are in centimetres*

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: One day, I'm going to have to hunt you down and tear you apart :)

2007-01-09 [Keii]: I don't even know my height... oO;

2007-01-09 [The Blood Angel]: Well I'll give oyu a hint Squee, I live in dundee. <img:stuff/shadN-gif.gif>

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: Oh, that makes it so much easier.

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: I'm ~55 kilos, 155 centimetres. :3
My muscles are in a sucky condition, though, so I have a pot belly. xP

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: Aww, Lami, you're tiny :3

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: I know. <_< But my mom is shorter. >:D

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: Really? XD Cute!

2007-01-09 [The Blood Angel]: sorry. whats 155 cm in feet?

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: Yah, really. :P
In all honesty, I cheated. :3 I had to get treatment to get even this tall. Stupid brain wouldn't produce enough growth hormone, so we had to give it a hand.

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: About 5'5 I think

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: You did? Wow o.o;

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: Umm... Somewhere between 5' and 5'2"? Not sure.

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: Or not. 5 foot even xD or 5'1

2007-01-09 [The Blood Angel]: ah ok. thats not small at all. I know someone whos 5'3 and my Fiancée's 4'11.

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: A converter tells me it's 5.085302 feet. xP

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: ...I'm 152cm and I weigh 49kg >.>

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: That's a lot of feet XD

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: 152cm = 5ft exactly.

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: *giggle*
[The Blood Angel]: Depends on the country, I think... but I'd say 155cm is relatively short in Europe and U.S.

Dela, you're tiny. :o Taller than my mother, though. :P

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: It's about 5'2-3 I think Linderel :)

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: Which is small, but not as small as me XP

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: 49kg?

Ah bugger, I can't trust Elftown conversions XD

2007-01-09 [The Blood Angel]: I blame growth hormones in PEPSI!

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: ...Yes.

2007-01-09 [Keii]: Heh, just got the tape measure out: 165cm and about 9 stone

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: It's just under 8stone Squee. Stress has made me drop again >.o

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: Dela, I still maintain that it's 5'2 at the most. :P

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: It may well be :P

But its taller than me ._.

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: Again? God woman!

That's it, get in a wicker basket and float yourself down the river to me xP

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: Can't I just walk? XD

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: Or hitch hike oO

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: Dela, no worries, smaller is cuter. ^_^
And as I just said, I cheated. xD

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: Eh err no. Floating it is!

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: Damn T.T *floats*

Eh, I probably could have cheated if I could have been bothered X) But I was just always going to be small, happens when one is 4 month premature baby o.O

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: ^___________^ It'll make up for the baby Jesus's death.

...And I thought 6 weeks was bad enough :P

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: lmao, ah yes. Substitute me for Jesus, no one will know!

Bleh, my mother's womb was a hostile place to be o.o;; I wanted OUT dammit

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: Of course not! Let's just hope nobody realises you're a different gender XP

Understandable really XD

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: Ehh...righto, socks it is.

Although it did mean I was born without lungs or a nose...and various other things...

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: Ehehehehe xD

Those are really useful you know XP

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: *rocks out with her sock out* >.>

I know, some nice nurse injected me with some "trial" drug thing though, and it made my lungs expand. Which was good, because y'know it stopped me dying ^^

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: Aww, how very kind of her :D

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: It was not about being bothered, the doctors poked at me for four years starting when I was two years old to find out the hell was wrong with me when I wasn't growing as I should and then when they finally figured it out, they ordered the treatment. Yeah. :P

But yikes, four months premature. o_O Good thing they had that drug. :o

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: Heh yea, the sad thing is when it became a "legal" drug, it became to expensive to use on other babies that would have benefited from it :(

2007-01-09 [Linderel]: Feh. That sucks. :/

2007-01-09 [sequeena_rae]: What? How dare they T_T

2007-01-09 [Delladreing]: The same way they dare to make other miracle drugs too expensive to afford unless you can afford private health *sigh*

2007-01-09 [Fireblade K'Chona]: @$#%@#$ pharmaceutical companies.

The vast majority of drugs are in their control, and not doctors' control. Hospitals have to buy them, and for the 'miracle' drugs they have to pay through the nose.

2007-01-11 [Rondel]: Definitive answer on the equivalency of 155cm in feet and inches: (great conversion site) -- see also the minor detail that [Delladreing] apparently cannot do math, because according to her, 152cm = 5 feet exactly -- and, despite the fact that 1 inch = 2.54cm, she still tried telling us that 155cm = 5' 2-3". Sorry, dear, but if you're right about 152cm being equal to 5 feet, then the most that 155cm can be is a skosh over 5'1". Which is also what that decimal eqivalency of 5.08etc. feet comes out to: 5'1". Let that be the end of that discussion. ;)

As for gaining weight, it is as hard for some people as losing weight is for others. I went most of my life almost completely unable to gain weight, regardless of what I ate. That only ended when a medication had the side effect of putting an end to my malabsorption problem -- at which point I suddenly gained weight, because I'd been eating massive amounts in a desperate attempt not to drop below 110 pounds (50kg) at 5'8" (~172cm). Since then I've had to completely relearn how to eat, in order to get back down to a more normal weight. It did bizarre things to my self-image, though, to suddenly be slightly pudgy after years of being stick thin.

But I always hated having people tell me how easy it was to gain weight, and how much they envied me, when being underweight was bolluxing up my immune system, and I kept winding up in the Emergency Room having to get IV fluids every time I got sick with anything that made me throw up. Nowadays I can afford to get sick and just not eat much for 3 days if need be -- back then, I couldn't. And 10 pounds underweight is actually worse for a person's health than being 10 pounds overweight.

2007-01-11 [Delladreing]: *blinks* eh we all know I can't do math anyway (I literaly can't, numbers swim about in front of my eyes, phobia of them if you will), but I am 5ft (well a tad under but I round up) and according to the thing I used that is 152cm. I think it was also something someone told me once here on ET. But I'll trust Rondel :p

2007-01-12 [Azuri]: *nods* I know what your talking about right now my husband is trying to gain weight as he is severely underweight and I'm trying to loose it as I am the exact opposite. Both of us are having an extremely hard time doing it.

2007-01-14 [Rondel]: Yay! Someone understands! Thank you for the wonderfully reassuring response, [Azuri].

And, [Delladreing], I'm not taking issue with the conversion of 5' to 152cm -- it's the statement (knowing that equivalency) that 155 (a mere 3cm greater, i.e. just over 1 inch (because 2.54cm = 1 inch)) is equal to 5'2" - 5'3" -- that's where your math went awry. You'd have to add 5cm to that 152cm (=5') in order to get to 5'2", and even then you'd be on the scant side (0.08cm short, to be exact) -- so you have to go above 5cm in order to get into the 5'2" - 5'3" range (155.08cm-157.62cm, if we're going by 152cm = 5').

All of which might seem kind of irrelevant to the topic of this wiki, save for the fact that when people are talking on an international forum about body image, it can get kind of difficult and tangled, as the height/weight ratio is one of the basic things discussed -- but it's hard to discuss it when one person is talking pounds and feet/inches, another person is talking about kilograms and centimeters, and another is talking about stones and centimeters, and so on. In fact, this same discussion is going on right now in another wiki I'm on -- because someone mentioned losing 4 pounds, and others said "I almost understand stones, but I'm still at a loss when it comes to pounds". Some can give the formula for converting one measurement to another, but most can't easily make a ballpark estimate of what the equivalency would be.

And I think that this contributes to our confusion as to what *is* normal for various parts of the world -- we see the media images, those are nearly universally accessible, but we can't easily talk to each other and find out that our own height/weight ratio is just as normal in other countries as in our own -- there's no special rule for the US, or Italy, or anywhere else, no country is populated entirely by "model-built" people.

2007-01-14 [The Blood Angel]:

Maybe this could be helpful. I've tried it myself and it seems accurate.

2007-02-24 [Killopkie]: All these numbers hurt my eyes x.x

2007-02-25 [BarleySinger]: I absolutly HATE the name of that series "UGLY BETTY". She is not ugly. She is a person of a non-nordic herritage who has braces for fucks sake. She is akward. She didn't know much about "self-care" when if came to presenting herself well in an image conscious business. BUT she is not ugly. I have seen ugly...both on the outside and on the inside. I has nothing to do with being a size 12 brunette with braces.

Given that it takes place in the world of fashion I thought I would throw this in.

Sizes...they make no sense at all...especially here in Australia. When we moved to Australia we were suddenly faced with the fact clothing gets here from the US and the UK and Europe and Australia and the size systems are different in all these places. So you need to know you sizes in four different systems to get clothes.

Here is a reasonably close comparison chart for you (just for the dresses, not everything else which takes a whole page to explain):

Dress Sizes (waist is approximate..designers vary)

UK  USA  Aust Waist
8   6   8 23-24"
10   8   10 25-26" 
12  10   12 27-28"
14  12   14 28-31"
16  14   16 31-33"
18  16   18 34-37"

Uk and Aust dress sizes are pretty close to the same, but here in OZ you have a dress size...which is different from your waist size #, and bust size # and hip size #...all of which are "numbered" just like dress sizes and never work for anybody when people try and buy and outfit (they have to buy a top in one size and a bottom in another size). In further wiedness, a 34 D bra (US size) in Australia is (I think) a size 14 D. 

Did you notice that the USA Size numbers in that chart are all smaller? So when women here see US TV shows where people talk about being a "perfect size 6" (especially teens)...please note that the size chart outside of the US means something very different. A UK/Aust size 6 would be under a 23 inch waist (very very tiny...probably "tape worm" tiny).

That is not to say that people always have a choice about being skiny, but is isn't helpful to tell the whole world of women that they all should have a 22 inch waist.

2007-02-25 [Delladreing]: Oh please, don't mention "Ugly Betty" around me. I'll start foaming at the mouth and spitting blood. The child from the exorcist has got nothing on me when it comes to talking about that show. Personally I like her glasses, I want a pair, and I think I may even buy me some like it when I can afford it.

I was having this discussion the other day about the size 0 phenomenom with my good friend. *ahem* she is a US size 0, a 4 to us Brits, but thats only when she's not eaten for a week. Usually she is a size 6-8. But yesterday in the changing rooms she was horified that she needed to ask for a size 10. Because *gasp* size ten is teh HOOGE! Ignorning the fact that tiny little me is a size UK 10 I went and got it for her, only for it to be too tight on her. Which is ludicrous.

I have a 26inch waist, and a UK 10 can actually be a tad too big for me at times. She is about...yea maybe a 14inch waist...maybe a tiny bit more than that. So you can imagine our "wtf" reaction when the smallest size in the store was too small. But again it depends on where you shop. If you're going to shop in designer stores that have "people with eating disorders only please" written all over them you are asking for a kicking in the ego.

2007-02-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Exactly. I hate buying clothes.

...this is because I can't ever find anything with long enough legs or arms. >.<

2007-02-26 [Delladreing]: Heh, everything is too long for me. But thats what comes of being barely 5ft.

2007-02-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I have to wear men's smalls because sleeves are never long enough for me. >.<

2007-02-26 [Delladreing]: Height wise I'm a child -.- width wise not so much. So you can imagine the joy of finding clothes for that.

2007-02-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: ...ouch. -wince-

I'm just kind of...long. Long torso, long legs, long arms...not particularly wide, though. I guess I have fairly wide shoulders for a chick, though.

2007-02-26 [Delladreing]: I'm just short and wide :P

2007-02-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: fair enough, fair enough. -nodnod-

2007-02-26 [Delladreing]: Well..."wide" just wider than your average super model. So normal then X)

2007-02-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: ah, yes. In that case, I'm wide too. I have SHOULDERS. I am not a twig. I resent being called a twig. >.<

I also don't like being complimented *because* I'm tall and slender. I'd much rather be complimented for, you know, actually *skills* I have, like dancing or music, than random genetic chance.

2007-02-26 [Delladreing]: I was always slightly broader in the shoulder, then then my hips decided they wanted to compete. And won. And you are not a twig :P

That really gets me, the first thing any of my mothers friends say when they see me is "oh she's so beautifully thin" and at the time I was standing there with exam results that were like "woooh an A and 3 Bs!" and all they could think of was how marvelous it was for me that I was thin.


2007-02-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: thanks for that, Dela. :P

I know! It drives me insane! You know, we have an anorexia awareness week at some point during my school year...I might just wear a mask all week to make a point. You likey?

(as the Danish author once said, "What is man but an elaborate machine for turning red wine into urine?" This has nothing to do with the topic. I just really wanted to say it.)

2007-02-26 [Delladreing]: You're welcome :P

Heh, they have anorexia awareness weeks in school now? Lord.


2007-02-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: well, we are an all-girl's school....soooooo....yes, yes we do.

(glad you were amused.)

2007-02-26 [Delladreing]: ...makes more sense.

2007-02-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: then again, I might just be on a mask kick because of V for Vendetta. -grins sheepishly-

2007-02-26 [Delladreing]: know I'd do it >.>

2007-02-26 [Fireblade K'Chona]: what, wear a mask all week for Body Image-ness?

2007-02-26 [Delladreing]: or just wear the mask all week :p

2007-02-27 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Turns out it's this week, I missed the memo... :P

Maybe I'll wear it tomorrow.

2007-03-17 [Jitter]: Apparently shows like ugly betty are popular everywhere around the world. There's a Brazilian or mexican Uglky Letti and the greek one that's called Ugly Mary. They all copy each other and in the end to be honest I like those "ugly" girls more than the fake plastic pots that are the "pretty" on the shows. Haven't watched the foreign ones but I glanced the greek one and the girl that is supposedly ugly is one of the cutest faces EVER. even with the old fashioned glashes and the braces. >.< EDIT: found a link. there she is looking so not ugly at all

I hate TV >.<

2007-03-17 [Delladreing]: Bleh on TV :[

When I take over the world I'm banning these shows...

2007-03-17 [sequeena_rae]: Nooo, I actually think that show is funny xP

2007-03-17 [Delladreing]: Well I'm going to make the "pretty" ones have spots >.>

2007-03-17 [sequeena_rae]: Fair enough xD

2007-03-17 [Azuri]: Hehe spots would suit them.

2007-03-17 [Delladreing]: And cellulite >.>

2007-03-17 [Tingis]: they sure have celullite :)

2007-03-18 [BarleySinger]: Culullite is a fact of life on nearly every person who has not lived a very short life, the entirety of which has been spent hungry. In the entertainment world, they go to very expesive doctors to have it removed and use many techniques to hide it from the camera. I love the fact that Jamie Lee Curtis finally had the guts to have a "real" picture of how she looks in the real world, put out for the world to see, because she was tired of the bad messages being sent out to the world (especially to the women of the world).

However, it is true that when I look at advertsing, movies, and TV - the men that I see are also abnormal in their musculature, youth, perfection. Yes...they are also air-brushed to perfection.

Media is based on using what they percieve as the "perfect people" who are the unusual ones. As a result of the deluge of images thrown about, nearly everyone else feels that they do not measure up. And...those people who are amoung the "mutants of beauty" end up being despised by the rest of the population.

Being naturally thin (or thin becasue you are ill) often makes a person a target.

2007-03-18 [Delladreing]: Personally I'd never hate anyone because they are thin. I'd hate them based on their attitude.

Right now my...well she is one of my closest friends, she is just losing it a bit, is on one of her "I'm uber thin ergo better than all of you" trips. Her ballet instructor has told her to gain weight because she looks deformed :S

And yet, she still insists that she is perfect the way beauty is meant to be. She often makes snide remarks about girls with breasts or hips. And those of you on my friends list who read my diary know that I'm no ironing board shaped gal. Her attitude is one that is trying to hurt me.

Right now, I'm targeting her as a "skinny bitch" for her mentality. I never really once resented her for being thin before she started rubbing it in my face.

Another point is when I was seriously ill and very very very thin, more often than not, people would tell me how good I looked even if they knew I was on the verge of being fatally ill.

That's fucked up. "Wow you look like you're a skeleton...I so envy you"

@____@ God damn media.

2007-03-18 [Jitter]: What I hate most is thin people who go on like " Oh my god I'm so fat, need to lose weight" just because they want people to tell them 'No you're fine you don't need to lose weight". And I especially hate them when they do it around fuller people <_< It's true that not all skin people are like that but there are some major bitches around that like to see "worse" people than them suffer. 

I have come to realise that even if I weigh more than I should (healthy weight) I'm in the most cases better than all those skinny plastic dolls ^_^

2007-03-18 [Delladreing]: Heh. I'm finally at a healthy weight, and now I have a tummy. Strange new phenomen....phen...experience (;P) for me. I was going to consdier toning it up a effort... >.>

And the thing is, if I ever said the words to someone who is heavily overweight like my mother "do you think I look fat" she'd eye me up and say "stop eating". But she's a headcase like that so I don't ask.

Most people do just want reassurance I would have to agree, but sometimes you get the bugger who will make you feel bad and then it all goes to hell.

2007-03-18 [Jitter]: I used to have a friend, she was greatly insecure and was about 10 kg lighter than me, same height same age (whe I was at my healthy weight) and she thought she was obese :( I love her still so much but her low self esteem has flubbed her up and I can't even help her now :(

2007-03-18 [Jitter]: Maybe you want to link this somewhere )

2007-03-18 [Delladreing]: I did have it somewhere o.O Hmm thanks for finding it again :)

2007-03-18 [Jitter]: no worries ^_^ I witnessed what make up can do on myself so i think it's nice to have an example on video ^_^

Good to see celebs also feel for this ^_^

2007-03-19 [BarleySinger]: <i>stop eating</i>

A healthy body is not the result of starvation. It is the result of a healthy diet and exercise.

Ones weight is not a test of health, and neither is thinness. Lucy Lawless "Xena Warrior Princess" weighed 150 lbs in that TV series, and was NOT fat. She had a rather low body fat ratio.

And yes [Delladreing], effort ...oh well. Just think about this. Rondel and I (as you know we are disabled - Rondel far worse than I) exercise. We took classes in Chi-Kung together, and Yoga. She works out every day that her body will let her. We even work out with weights, and go for walks as much as our bodies allow. The illness that we have causes a persons body to fall apart rapidly if it is not used.

I would like to be able to truthfully say that my own weight loss (starting back around 1999) from a high of 267 lbs down to 167 lbs in September 2006, and then back up to 185 lbs (5'10") <minor grumble..more gain that I was trying for> was entirely the result of healthy eating and exercise (well...a tiny part of it was). Most of that weight loss was the result of chronic pain, and I do not recomend it as a weight loss plan). The last part of the weight loss...I went from 225 to 167 last year in under 6 months due to a very faulty gall-bladder (blown branch of hypatic artery with the loss of 4 units of blood internally, major surgery, nearly two weeks spent in hospital and 3 months with a "drain tube" in my belly).

Do not follow this as a "diet plan".

2007-03-19 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Good to see you back, [BarleySinger]! Believe it or not, I have missed you and [Rondel]. ^_^ I believe she's popped over to NA once or twice, but I tend to miss her, being in the wrong time zone...back to the topic.

Anyway. Pain is, indeed, a very bad weight loss plan. When I was sixteen, I was in the hospital for eight days, and lost fourteen pounds thanks to pain. Firstly, the pain put me off my food (I was about a 9 on the scale for six days straight, though for some of it they drugged me enough so I didn't care) and then the pain meds put me off my food. And then they switched me to Vicodin. Which is fine and dandy for Dr. House, but it makes me barf.

...long story short, I stopped eating entirely for two days. I had about three sips of water in that time. They kept my hydrated with an IV, because I wouldn't drink anything, but it took me weeks to regain the full use of my left hand where the IV was. I am a musician. I use both my hands extensively, but I couldn't get it to work for long enough to severely freak me out.

(however, it did have a tiny, tiny upside, if you ignore the panic attacks and all that shit: I have absolutely no desire to use recreational drugs. I was on those prescription meds that druggies love. And it sucked. My avoidance of meds is now almost pathological, though...until the pain hits about a 6 or 7 on the pain scale I won't even consider ibuprofen...)

...anywaym pain is a bad way to lose weight. Pain bad. Healthy diet and exercise good. That is the moral of the story. Sorry about the tangent. I got up way too early after going to bed way too late after a really exhausting day. I should probably not post more until I have slept. Toodles.

2007-03-26 [Jitter]: :3 (not my deviation, just passing it)

2007-03-26 [Azuri]: I remember seeing that picture, I totally loved it and put a fav on it. There was another one that did something similar. Something like "Thank you for hating my body" some such stuff..ill have to find it lol

2007-03-26 [Azuri]: Ah found it, here it is.

2007-03-27 [Jitter]: :O stunning

2007-03-27 [Tingis]: Great!!

2007-03-27 [Estantia]: can't see it due to mature content filter...

2007-03-27 [sequeena_rae]: I saw that earlier, it's simple but amazing.
[Estantia], you'll have to be a member there to see it :P

2007-03-27 [Delladreing]: Guys if you find links post them in the links page, I'll want to keep them :)

2007-03-27 [Azuri]: I hate that silly mature content filter, it means I cant see alot of things when the site goes into read only mode. I once waited to see a picture for like three hours -_-. I guess its needed though.

2007-03-27 [sequeena_rae]: I hate the read only mode! -_-

2007-03-27 [Azuri]: It is the bane of existence over at DA

2007-04-01 [Delladreing]: Thanks for being an asshole, your comment has been removed. If you comment here again you will be reported. Further more if you message me again with insults, you will be reported.

2007-04-01 [Linderel]: Now I'm curious.

2007-04-01 [Delladreing]: <img50*0:stuff/dela.harassmentonbodyimage.jpg> I saved it for the sake of the guards should that individual choose to come back.

2007-04-01 [Jitter]: Gack I visited the house of them and reported already -.- *my eyes bleed*

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: Sounds like someone was preaching to the choir :P
I make no sense this morning ^________^

2007-04-01 [Delladreing]: Eh they're a Troll. They don't deserve the attention but tbh, they can message me crap all they want, but they are not filling this wiki with junk.

2007-04-01 [Jitter]: Indeed but i think they're so sick and twisted that they'll face the ban soon. I counted around 3-4 improper things in their house and nit those that are taken lightly -.-

2007-04-01 [Delladreing]: Yea, I know, it was only after I reported them I looked at the images and went O.O

2007-04-01 [Azuri]: yea I feel you Jitter my eyes they bleed hardcore style, someone tell me those photos are against the rules so I can too go do my duty as a ETer -__-'

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: Yeah, wtf is up with that house? :/

2007-04-01 [Jitter]: Well I'm sure it's a 15 year old who lkistened to wayt too much Manson and Cannibal Corpse (no offense to any of those music makers of course) and found pictures on the internet to upload. I doubt those images are theirs and they're certainly not allowed on ET and the presentation is racistic. so yeah. Reported already <_<

2007-04-01 [Delladreing]: Trooooooll house, built with the aim to offend.

2007-04-01 [Azuri]: Obviously she is highly disturbed O.<

2007-04-01 [Delladreing]: Or has no life and has to make one by harassing people *shrug*

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: *shiver* >_<

2007-04-01 [Azuri]: *nod nod*

2007-04-01 [Estantia]: *wince* damn my curiosity that was... i can't think of a word apaqrt from the member's name

2007-04-01 [Fireblade K'Chona]: Tsk. And to think, I went to take a look-see about what it all was about (I am a seasoned GAFFer, not much freaks me out anymore) and the guards had already deleted it. Ah well.

Woot, yay guards!

2007-04-01 [Jitter]: too bad it already printed out in my mind. Hope it won't give me nightmares >.<

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: Same :/

2007-04-01 [Fireblade K'Chona]: After...some of the stuff I read on GAFF...nothing gives me nightmares anymore, heh. (not that I ever had many of them in the first place. For some reason.)

Although for a few weeks after reading one of the stories, I did scream a bit whenever someone mentioned ice cream.

2007-04-01 [Delladreing]: Fire, I know the stuff on GAFF...and that thing on that person's house WOULD have freaked you out O.O that's how bad it was.

2007-04-01 [Jitter]: Such people actually should be castrated *stares and tries to shake off images*

2007-04-01 [Fireblade K'Chona]: weren't there for the Attack of the Trolls, were you?

Because that was some hardcore disgusting shit. And we were TRYING to have a conversation about how dreams should never be made into fanfiction. The least offensive picture there, never mind.

2007-04-01 [Estantia]: it wasn't freaky, just disgusting...

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: Seriously bad shit.

Thinking about it now...Omg >______<

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: I hope it wasn't real because...How does someone do that?

2007-04-01 [Fireblade K'Chona]: I have no idea what you're talking about, but probably it was photoshop.

(You need not tell me, by the way.)

2007-04-01 [windowframe]: The picture of the child, I think, is real; but the picture of the breast is (thank God) a photomanip, I think it was manipped with a plant, or something... *can't remember* *traumatised by it, nontheless*

2007-04-01 [sequeena_rae]: I was more traumatised by the breast one O_O I'm still getting shivers from it >_<

2007-04-01 [windowframe]: Yes, that's the one that traumatised me. I think it's because we're used to seeing blood and guts and gore on TV, real and fake, and have become de-sensitised, whereas I ain't never seen a breast lookin' like that before, and it completely freaked me out. It's part of a natural subconcious reaction to something which looks unhealthy - like the authomatic reaction of repulsion when you see heavily disfigured people.

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